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How to take care of your skin to be healthy and free from acne

Cleanser that suits your skin type, you also need to practice a healthy lifestyle and adopt habits that don't trigger acne.

1. Eat fruits and vegetables

Eating enough fruits and vegetables is not only good for general health, but can also help get rid of back acne. Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins that can help remove toxins in the body, as well as antioxidants that can protect cells from damage.

By eating more vegetables and fruit, you will be encouraged to reduce your intake of fatty or high-sugar foods which can trigger an increase in the production of sebum or oil in the skin that causes acne.

2. Don't pop pimples

Even though the presence of pimples is annoying, avoid squeezing pimples because it can cause inflammation. Instead of making acne disappear, the habit of squeezing pimples will actually leave marks on the skin.

3. Wear clothes that absorb sweat

To reduce sweat sticking to your skin, wear clothes with materials that absorb sweat, such as cotton. If your clothes are unable to absorb sweat, sweat will continue to rub against your skin, clog pores, and invite bacteria that cause back acne.

4. Use an antibacterial soap that is gentle on the skin
Antibacterial soap has a greater ability to eradicate germs than regular soap. With special antibacterial ingredients, antiseptic soap effectively protects the body from germs that can cause irritation to the skin, trigger the growth of fungi, or transmit diseases.

Some antibacterial soaps are considered too harsh for the skin. Therefore, make sure you choose an antibacterial soap that has special ingredients to keep skin soft, such as Lifebuoy Lifebuoy Yoghurt Care. Yogurt can help moisturize the skin because it contains probiotics (functions to restore natural skin layers), zinc (anti-inflammatory), and lactic acid (alpha hydroxy acid to remove dead skin cells).

5. Drink enough water

One way to maintain healthy skin is to keep it moisturized by drinking enough water. Dry skin will encourage oil glands to produce more sebum to restore skin moisture. Excess oil also has the potential to clog pores and trigger acne.

In addition, dry skin is also more easily infiltrated by the Cutibacterium acne (C. acne) bacteria which can exacerbate acne. Therefore, consume at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin will be protected from the risk of infection because skin cells are able to form a stronger and tighter defense wall.

6. Reduce sugar intake

On the Hello Sehat website, it is explained that a high-sugar diet can increase blood sugar and insulin levels. This increase will cause inflammation in the body, which then triggers acne.

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