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How to Overcome Clogged Ears

The following is an explanation of various ways to deal with clogged ears naturally.

Clogged ears can be a problem that interferes with our daily lives.

When the ear feels full or can't hear clearly, it can affect our communication ability and make us feel uncomfortable.

However, there are natural ways that can help with clogged ear problems without having to rely on chemical drugs or expensive medical procedures.

In this article, we will explore various natural methods that can be used to get rid of clogged ears. From using proper breathing techniques to using natural ingredients available around us, there are various ways that can help relieve ear congestion problems naturally.

However, before going into the practical steps, it is important to understand the common causes of clogged ears. By understanding the factors that trigger this problem, we can take the right preventive steps to keep our ears healthy.

So, to find out more, consider various ways to deal with clogged ears, as Sonora quotes from below.

How to Overcome Clogged Ears

How to deal with clogged ears needs to be adjusted to the root cause. Here are some common ways that can help relieve this hearing loss, including:

1. Perform the Valsalva maneuver

Reporting from VerywellHealth, the Valsalva maneuver is a simple technique to open the eustachian tube (connecting the back of the eardrum with the throat and back of the nasal cavity).

This maneuver can be done by taking a deep breath and then pinching both nostrils. In such conditions with your mouth closed, try to exhale slowly through your nose.

This method can generate enough pressure to open the ear blockage. But be careful when exhaling, not too fast so as not to damage the eardrum.

2. Inhale the warm steam
Turn on the hot shower faucet in the bathroom, when the steam has filled the bathroom, try to sit quietly and breathe the warm steam for 10-15 minutes.

The warm steam can help loosen mucus that clogs the ears. If you don't have a warm shower, try placing a hot washcloth over your ear.

3. Remove the liquid that clogs the ear

If the cause of the clogged ears is due to water ingress, try removing the clogged fluid from your hearing senses.

The trick, insert your index finger into the clogged ear, then slowly move the finger up and down like you're rubbing gently.

If it doesn't work, you can also use a hair dryer set on a low setting. Set the distance not too close or at least one inch from the ear.

4. Use ear drops

Ear drops can also help with clogged ears because earwax blocks the sense of hearing.

When using ear drops, make sure you hold the medication in position by tilting your head for a few seconds so that the wax in the ear can be cleaned.

5. Avoid lowering your head

Reporting from WebMD, a bowed head position or when the body is bent can increase pressure in the sinuses. So, avoid lowering your head, especially when the sinuses recur.

This is an explanation of the various ways to deal with clogged ears as above. Hope it is useful.

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