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How to get rid of nausea without medication

How to get rid of nausea can actually be done naturally without the need to take certain drugs.

However, it is important to remember that it must also be considered with other conditions that may accompany it.

The Cleveland Clinic website explains that nausea is not a disease, but a symptom of certain diseases such as poisoning, motion sickness, overeating, and so on.

Nausea can also be a sign of other serious illnesses such as concussion, meningitis, intestinal blockage, and appendicitis.

How to Get Rid of Nausea

If the nausea that occurs is not accompanied by symptoms of dehydration, here are some ways to relieve nausea.

1. Get some fresh air

One simple way to get rid of nausea is to breathe fresh air.

Medical News Today explained, opening a window or going outside can help reduce nausea.

2. Sit up straight

Keeping the body upright can support digestion and can help relieve nausea.

3. Avoid moving too much

Moving too much can make nausea worse, especially if the movements are sudden or intense.

4. Avoid bending forward and pressing on the stomach

Activities and postures that we usually do every day can actually increase nausea.

So, avoid bending forward to reduce pressure on the stomach and improve symptoms of nausea.

5. Breathing control

Research has shown that taking deep, slow, steady breaths can help relieve a person's feelings of nausea.

6. Consumption of ginger

Ginger is widely used to reduce nausea and this has been proven through studies. Consumption of fresh ginger in the form of cooking or made into tea.

7. Use peppermint

Peppermint to reduce nausea, whether it is consumed in the form of capsules, tea, or even in the form of oil.

8. Drink sports drinks

Salty liquids, such as those found in electrolyte-replacement sports drinks can help reduce nausea.
Of course, you can easily get this sports drink in various stalls or minimarkets.

9. Cold compress

The Healthline site recommends cold compresses as these can be soothing and placing them on the back of the neck can help relieve nausea.

10. Cinnamon

A 2015 study found that cinnamon can help reduce nausea from menstrual pain.

11. Proteins

Meals consisting primarily of protein-rich foods, rather than carbohydrates, have been suggested by researchers to reduce nausea.

12. Avoid carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks, such as cola, can cause bloating and worsening of nausea in a person. So, avoid consuming it.

13. Stay hydrated

If nausea is accompanied by vomiting, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.

In addition to water, eating salty foods or drinking non-carbonated sugary drinks can also help restore sugar and salt lost due to vomiting.

14. Avoid spicy or spicy foods

Any food with a strong taste, such as hot and spicy, can make your stomach more uncomfortable.

Try to eat bland foods when nausea occurs to reduce the symptoms.

15. Wrist acupuncture

A 2009 study found that wrist acupuncture can help reduce nausea after surgery.

16. Vomiting

Although it may sound a little strange, vomiting can help relieve nausea in some cases, such as when the nausea is caused by food or alcohol poisoning.

Note, however, that this will usually only provide short-term relief and may also make nausea worse.

17. Take advantage of aromatherapy

Many people believe that aromatherapy can be a way to relieve nausea and recommend a variety of different oils including lemon, lavender, chamomile, and clove.

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