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Causes of Fast Heartbeats

Have you ever felt your heart beating fast? This disease is called palpitations. This condition can be a sign of a heart problem. Palpitations don't only occur during activity, but when you are resting. Palpitations can be experienced by anyone regardless of age. It can heal by itself, but if it often can lead to certain diseases.

Symptoms or Features

The common feature of this palpitation condition is a heart condition that beats faster, stronger, and irregularly. It can even happen suddenly. Even this sensation can be felt up to the neck. The heartbeat is skipping and feels like a loud thump when you place your hand on your chest. Symptoms that occur can last from seconds to minutes.

Causes of Heart palpitations

Heart palpitations can be caused by several factors. Mild factors such as anxiety, lack of sleep and fatigue can be a trigger factor. However, you should be vigilant if the complaint does not go away or is accompanied by other symptoms because the possible cause is from another disease, such as the following:

1. Anemia

This disease of red blood cell deficiency or anemia can cause heart palpitations. Heart palpitations are accompanied by other symptoms such as pale face, fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Sufferers will feel the body is very weak.

2. Heart Disorders

The first cause is arrhythmia or heart rhythm disturbances. The causes are differentiated based on the location of the heart problem, such as atrial vibration, atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia, and ventricular tachycardia. Need a doctor's diagnosis to state this cause.

Furthermore, there is interference with the heart valves, such as the mitral valve sags down. Thickening and enlargement of the muscles and walls of the heart called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can also be the cause. In certain cases, having congenital heart disease from birth can also trigger heart palpitations.

3. Emotional Conditions

This condition of heart palpitations can occur as a form of response to emotional situations, such as stress, nervousness, panic, fear, or being too happy. This emotional condition will trigger the dilation and constriction of the blood vessels to the heart so that the heart beats differently than normal. However, usually this condition only lasts for a moment.

4. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes also play a role in changes in heart rhythm. Usually women who experience heart palpitations and generally occur during menstrual periods, pregnancy, before and during menopause. Heart palpitations during pregnancy can also be a sign of anemia.

5. Side Effects of Using Certain Drugs

In addition to the conditions above, the cause of heart palpitations can also be caused by side effects of certain drugs. For example hypertension drugs, antibiotics, asthma medications, antihistamines, and drugs for thyroid disorders.

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