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Benefits of Beef for Health

During this time, many people think that beef is considered unhealthy. In fact, there are a myriad of benefits of beef for the health of the body if we pay attention to its consumption.

Beef is indeed one of the animal ingredients that can be served in a variety of delicious dishes.

Especially during Eid al-Adha like now, processed beef may be in abundance because it gets part of the sacrifice.

Besides being delicious, beef also has a variety of useful ingredients. Reporting from the ADHB UK page, beef is rich in protein, iron, zinc, and four essential vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and B12).

As for a number of benefits derived from the consumption of beef for health, namely as follows.

1. Maintain muscle health

The WebMD site explains that the protein contained in beef helps in preventing the loss of muscle mass.

Consumption of beef also repairs muscle tissue that is damaged by daily activities.

In addition, protein also helps in the formation of new muscles, and this is very beneficial if you do body fitness exercises.

2. Prevent anemia

The iron found in beef helps the body produce hemoglobin, a protein that helps transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body via the blood.
If iron needs are not met, it can increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia, which is a condition in which the body does not get enough oxygen.

Symptoms that may appear during iron deficiency anemia include fatigue, lethargy, weakness, and mental confusion.

3. Increase immunity

Beef is also a good source of zinc, which is required by the body for the process of healing damaged tissue and supporting a healthy immune system.

Children and adolescents also need adequate zinc intake to grow and develop properly.

4. Reduce fatigue

As previously explained, beef is rich in iron and four essential vitamins namely niacin, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and B12.

Well, these ingredients can be beneficial for the body to help reduce fatigue and fatigue

Those were the benefits of beef for the health of the body. Don't forget to keep an eye on your intake and avoid overeating.

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