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Natural Cough Remedies for Children

Coughing of course is something that is very uncomfortable. Coughing really interferes with all activities and lowers endurance. So, because of that, various types of cough medicines have been presented to ward off this disease.

Starting from herbal medicine inherited from our ancestors to medicines that we often find in pharmacies. All of course can ward off coughs if used properly and the drugs used are very effective in counteracting them. Here are some Natural Cough Remedies for children.

1. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-microbial, antioxidant and antibiotic properties. In cases of coughs accompanied by flu and colds, garlic can be a natural remedy because it has a decongestant and expectorant effect. Garlic also contains vitamin C as well as a number of enzymes and minerals that play a role in overcoming the flu. As a natural cough remedy, raw garlic is more potent than cooked.

2. Lime

Lime juice mixed with warm water and honey can be given to your little one who is coughing. Lime contains compounds such as vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids, limonoids, and folic acid. Lime contains more citric acid than other types of citrus. This content is able to thin mucus when coughing.
3. Ginger

Ginger has been known as a natural remedy for coughs. This spice contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols. Researchers believe that these two compounds are useful as drugs. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) explains that ginger is safe to use in food and beverages. However, the FDA does not regulate the use of ginger supplements.

You can try using ginger as a natural cough medicine for children. Make ginger tea boiled with lemon or lime. Consume 2 to 3 cups or cups a day to relieve coughs.

4. Aromatic ginger

Like ginger, kencur has long been known as a traditional herbal medicine that is beneficial to health. The main secret of kencur lies in its sap which is rich in various types of special compound content and essential oil content. Kencur has anti-bacterial properties that can overcome cough problems, such as coughing up phlegm or dryness. In addition, this spice can also treat diarrhea caused by bacteria.

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